Church of God in Christ, Beechen Grove, Watford, England, UK

Vision for Watford - Active (Short Term)

Sunday School Department
I see children and youth as being paramount in any developing church as they are assets waiting to be developed for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. Christ himself mentions in Matthew 19:14, ‘suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for us such is the kingdom of heaven’. I will go as far as saying that we are at fault if we choose not to invest in this section of our church, as it is dangerous not to and is one of the chief reasons why some churches in the past have lost their presence.
My first task in dealing with the active part of the vision for the next 18 months is to oversee, from a distance, the development of the Sunday school department. Therefore, the time has come for a change and with that in mind; I have asked Sister Loy Nembhard to take on the leadership of the Sunday school department of our church, to re-develop that department and to work closely with the Youth department. I would ask that you give her your full support and to encourage members of your family and friends, to be a part of our Sunday school. Remember, Sunday school is not just for the children and youth but also
for adults.
I would ask every senior member in our church to be prayerful regarding this change and not to think that they are being excluded. The development of any vibrant church must embrace our children and youth, which will mean substantial tolerance will have to be exercised towards the children and youth that come into our church.
Finally, I would like to thank Sister Bev Nembhard for all her hard work in the Sunday School department of our church over the past years and I pray that her increased role in the Finance department of our church will be prosperous.
Youth Department
With regard to the Youth department, Evangelist Yolande Brown will continue to head this department and together with her team, they will continue to develop the appropriate initiatives to help our youth. Please likewise pray for her and her team.
As I view both departments as paramount to the development of the church, I have agreed with both leaders that quarterly meetings will be held to review the development of these departments.
Vision for The Sanctuary Cogic Watford - Active (Long Term)
Sunday School
Youth Department
Mission outreach programme
Finance department
Usher training
Development of Women’s Department
Development of Music Department
Development of Mission/Evangelism Department
Introduction of a Van Ministry
Attendance to Church and time keeping
The law of activity suggests that if you are active in a particular role, you will eventually grow to love the role. The same can be said regarding the attendance of church, which is part of our spiritual commitment to our God. The attendance should not be secondary in your thoughts, it should be primary as it is a command that we should not neglect (Hebrews 10:25). Your attendance each Sunday, save for very personal and important reasons, is of primary importance, as it should be part of the thanksgiving process that our God is entitled to (Psalms 100:4).
We are a family; therefore please do not be afraid to spend time with your COGIC Watford church family, where we can spend time developing each other together in strength and unity.