Church of God in Christ, Beechen Grove, Watford, England, UK


Church Times
The Sanctuary Cogic Watford Church times on Sunday
The structure of our church on Sunday is vitally important. Visitors and prospective new members of our church must be able to see that what we may advertise on a website or on various church magazines is concrete. Visitors, and hopefully parents sending their children to our Sunday school will plan their day around our church times and it is therefore important that as a church our time keeping is strictly maintained.
I am therefore asking that we be disciplined and when it is time for church to start, we will not be procrastinating and waiting for others to turn up or to start singing songs, which at times leaves visitors not knowing what is going on. In other words, the professionalism of our time keeping is a must and must run as clockwork every week.
To refresh our memory, our timing on a Sunday should be as follows:
Sunday school starts at 11.30am
Sunday school finishes at 12.25pm
Church start at 12.30pm
Church finishes at 2.45pm at the latest
Attendence at 31 December 2015
I am also pleased to say that there are a number of other individuals who have expressed their desire to be a part of our church and inwardly I am jumping up and down with joy at the prospect of God providing us with new resources for His work to be done.
I know that in seeking God through prayer and study of His Word, he has drenched me with such an enormous amount of faith, which I intend to preserve and enhance daily, to understand that absolutely anything is possible (Mark 9: 23).
So may I advise you my fellow brethren; expect to see new faces coming through the church doors. Some may take up immediate roles, as I see fit to allow following consultations, but I do promise that I will ensure that those individuals are introduced to the church before they become active.
It is in my heart, and I have been speaking it with all faith, that the attendance by the end of this year will be 100 people. Therefore, the doors of our church should not be closed to anyone. With this in mind, I am expecting that our church in an increased state of spiritual development will be covered by the Holy Spirit and He will be able to protect our church from every eventuality.
As we are seeking to embrace the spirit of excellence, the changes that I am asking for us to make are not onerous. This is what should already be in place.
Therefore, I would ask that every member look at being more disciplined and that our attendance to Sunday or Wednesday services and also Monday prayer meeting, where possible, will demonstrate our desire for change and development as a church.
Change is never easy to embrace, so I have limited the changes to what we should already be doing. As most members are living 10 to 15 minutes away from our place of worship, our time keeping and structure of our church services must be strictly adhered to.
The development, power and strength of the church lies with the people, the called out people of God, (the church without walls).
May I therefore convey my continuous love and blessings to every member and will be praying that every individual will develop spiritually in so many ways.
God bless you church
Yours in Christ
Pastor Joseph Brown (PJ)